Friday, 26 June 2015

Travel : Fellhorn,Germany-Austria

I'm just done with packing for our flight back home in 2 days.Don't know why,but kinda miss my husband already.We've never been apart anymore since our wedding till today,even during my hours and hours of labor,he never unattended me even for one minute till delivery.

Well,people say,love grows stronger when you're apart from your beloved ones :P

Still the story of our family trip last month.After hiking up the waterfall at Breitachklamm,we continued our activity that day by riding the cable car to the top of Fellhorn which is around 1900m above the sea level.

This place is famous as a ski site in winter,and during summer,people can go up and enjoy the scenery or even hiking up and down the mountains of Alps.

However,as we arrived on top,the weather didn't help much.The thick clouds covered most of the summits,and thus we had very limited view of the Alps.Sometimes,we had to wait for some time till the clouds were gone to take pictures.

But,the whole lot experience is priceless.

Till then people.

The cable car that we rode

The lake on top of the mountain

The thick clouds covered the mountain


  1. cantiknye gambr last tu! wowww so misty n snowy

  2. salam daya lama x ami sni yer..oh blk msia xmo jumpe kite! hehe kelantan kan jauh pulop, eh kalau mai KL Sel rodger la ada rezeki kt jumpa coz nk tggu i sampai German hmmmm xtau bile ni but i am targeting ur home! HAHAHAHHAHA scary x hahaha btw alayna nye gmbo mmg kelako janji dia ada ye tido pon xpe janji muka masuk hehe


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